BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Windup Bird Cafe - ECPv3.7//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Windup Bird Cafe X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Windup Bird Cafe BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20140920T150000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20141004T150000 DTSTAMP:20140927T100517 CREATED:20140903T151933 LAST-MODIFIED:20140903T163119 UID:5668-1411225200-1412434800@ SUMMARY:TWO FREE CHILDREN'S SUSHI MAKING CLASSES DESCRIPTION:                       Every September\, award-winning writer\, chef\, restaurateur and food literacy advocate\, Sang Kim\, offers two free classes for children between the ages of 8-16\, to draw attention to the very real issues of childhood poverty\, hunger and food insecurity in Canada. His 2013 TEDx talk spoke movingly about his own childhood experience of hunger and poverty while growing up in a Toronto housing project. Click here to watch his talk.   Toronto's most popular sushi-making class\, Sushi Making For The Soul\, was founded by Sang Kim in 2008 to offer a fun approach to food literacy through the simple art of making sushi. He has taught thousands of "chefs"\, including hundreds of children in schools\, libraries and in his own restaurants.   The classes are being offered at Windup Bird Cafe on Saturday September 20th\, 3pm-5pm and Saturday October 4th\, 3pm-5pm. Only 30 spots are available per class. It is based on a first-come\, first-serve basis.    The children will make 3 rolls\, two vegetarian and one seafood (all vegetarian is available)\, which they also get to eat after they make it. It is a great learning experience\, lots of fun and great food.   Come and watch him compete against nineteen top Toronto chefs\, including the Executive Chef of Windup Bird Cafe\, Yumiko Kobayashi\, in Action Against Hunger Canada's Love Food Fest Chef Challenge\, to be held at Wychwood Barns on Tuesday October 7th\, a spectacular food fundraising event in support of this great international organization.   He will also be conducting a sushi making class at St. Lawrence Market during the week-long Toronto Foundation For Student Success (TFSS) event\,Feed Tomorrow\, an awareness campaign for student hunger and nutrition programs.    If you would like to register your child to a class\, please email State the date of the class you would like to enroll your child\, the child's name\, your contact information\, including phone number. URL: LOCATION:382 College St., Toronto, ON, Canada END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20140928T170000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20140928T193000 DTSTAMP:20140927T100517 CREATED:20140904T103547 LAST-MODIFIED:20140904T103701 UID:5698-1411923600-1411932600@ SUMMARY:WINDUP WIZARDS #2 DESCRIPTION:They're back... Same magicians\, different tricks up their sleeves and everywhere else. Bring your family to this amazing event\, guaranteed to make your mind go in every direction. We are doing it again because parents and children both loved it the first time. If you don't believe in magic\, this event will change you forever\, perhaps even give you some insight into their unwavering faith in Harry Potter...  Join Baldini and his two great student wizards\, Garnett The Great and Mindbender\, as they take you on a journey of make-believe.  Prix Fixe menu available.  To book your spots\, please call the restaurant at 647-349-6373 URL: LOCATION:382 College St., Toronto, ON, Canada END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20141001 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20141002 DTSTAMP:20140927T100517 CREATED:20140906T155443 LAST-MODIFIED:20140907T130350 UID:5700-1412121600-1412208000@ SUMMARY:KID-CHEN CONFIDENTIAL DESCRIPTION: Classes will begin the first week of October. Further information on how to register your child (including exact dates and times for the classes) will be posted here on September 17.  Cooking classes for kids (7-13). We believe that the changes in food systems\, from sustainability to nutritious meals\, starts with kids. In these classes your children will learn how to prepare healthy and nutritious meals they can bring home! Toronto’s own Proteen Queen Leah Honiball will be leading classes in 2014-2015. In these two-hour classes\, children will learn how to make a simple 3-course meal and eat it here\, bringing home a little cookbook so they can recreate the meal at home. Classes held at Windup Bird Cafe\, 382 College Street\, Toronto\, Ontario. Parental guidance not required.  URL: LOCATION:382 College St., Toronto, ON, Canada CATEGORIES:FOOD LITERACY END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20141029T183000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20141029T183000 DTSTAMP:20140927T100517 CREATED:20140903T142755 LAST-MODIFIED:20140909T231306 UID:5661-1414607400-1414607400@ SUMMARY:BIRDS OF A FEATHER: GHOST STORIES DESCRIPTION:Two birds\, Ruby Sinha and Diana Tso\, were looking around the city to build a nest where stories and food bring community together. Windup Bird Café offered a branch to perch on while singing their stories and savouring the delicious meals created chef Yumiko Kobayashi.  Now we've started something special. We're actively searching for the great storytellers of Toronto to feature on our stage\, where they can share\, listen\, and captivate. That means we're searching for you. If you have a story to tell\, email us a three (3) line pitch for your ten (10) minute story to based on this month's theme (GHOST STORIES). Please include your contact information so we can get back to you promptly. We can't wait to hear from you.  A note on Ghost stories: Think of stories told around the campfire\, of eerie encounters with spirits\, of how you connected with the world beyond death\, of a haunting experience unknown\, strange and beckoning. Ghost stories are any which deal with spirits\, not just the scary ones\, so let Toronto hear yours.    We are building this nest with new and old stories and tellers.  Feel free to fly over during the evening and chirp with us.      URL: LOCATION:382 College St., Toronto, ON, Canada CATEGORIES:LITERARY & CULTURAL END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR